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The Elephants


Christopher Rey Pérez

Published March 18, 2018


Christopher Rey Pérez is a poet from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. He is the author of gauguin’s notebook (&Now Books). With Gabriel Finotti, he edits the Latin American publication Dolce Stil Criollo.

3:50 p.m.

she said // “estaba leyendo una noticia
sobre los tamaleros” // “se levantan a las
3 de la mañana” // (up in front again &
below the cross) // greater presence of
sewage than car exhaust // to initiate //
to beg // how are chewed lips different
from policed breath

1 p.m.

around now the people huff // or put
themselves to sleep // lack of military
presence oddly discomforts // that’s how
i’ve come to belong // the church bells
peal // a handsome man operates a