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The Elephants

kith & kin

Jocelyn Saidenberg

Illustrations by by Dominique Doncre, Johanna Drucker, Tanya Hollis, Alice Notley, and Azin Seraj

Published April 1, 2018

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Jocelyn Saidenberg is a writer, educator, and performer based in the Bay Area. Her books include: Mortal City (Parentheses Writing Series, 1998), Cusp (Kelsey St. Press, 2001), Negativity (Atelos Press, 2007), Dead Letter (Roof Books, 2014), in addition to three chapbooks, Dusky, Dispossessed, and Shipwreck. Her work has been published in several journals and anthologies, such as SFMoMA Open Space, The Encyclopedia Project, and Bay Poetics. Since 1998 she has worked as the founding editor and publisher for Krupskaya Press, with 39 titles circulating to date, and has curated literary events through Bay Area arts organizations for over fifteen years. She teaches creative writing at UC Berkeley and the Prison University Project at San Quentin.

from kith & kin:


it’s the mist
it’s an oak titmouse in the feeder
it’s not a privation a list
of what not to do but the no
vote’s loss is depressing
what would have united
by rending that delight
of negation to hold where
one wants to attract the bait
of cunning napping with Beth
who’s all bone & lumps the days
are shortening her “night’s
night” come memory
an artless shape better
dwell in disorder with dust